Is Twitter The Most Underrated Digital PR Tool

twitter pr
Author: ADMIN
Jan 20, 2024

A history of public relations management is a history of the evolution of the art of persuasion. Whether it is the clay tablets used by the ancient Iraqi civilization to promote agricultural practices or the more sophisticated 21st century election campaigns, the aim has always been to pursue and impact people’s decision-making.
But with the diversification of platforms for information dissemination, PR has come to deal less with information generation and more with information management. Let me explain.

Death of a Salesman
Do you remember the travelling salesmen from your childhood? The ones who would turn up at your door during afternoons trying to sell you their products, telling you that your life would be incomplete without that item. You must have noticed that such itinerant salespersons have almost disappeared. The reason – the internet.
Nowadays when people want to buy something or avail a service, they inevitably turn to the internet to not only check the variety at their disposal but also see what other people have to say about it. A review on a social media site, a conversation thread on reddit, a video on YouTube goes a long way in impacting one’s decision.
Hence, businesses – small or big – nowadays turn to PR agencies to help them manage their reputation by managing the conversation around them, whether by starting one or guiding an existing one.

PR for free
One such platform where there is constant conversation and is free and open to all is Twitter. But many companies often make the mistake of miscalculating its importance.
Its popularity compared to Facebook, the 280-character limitation, proliferation of spams and trolls and certain limitations on following and postings overshadow its greatest strength – as of July 2021, Twitter is ranked as the 16th most popular social networking worldwide and has 8.85% of the world’s overall social media user base.
If PR is about interacting with a market, how wise is it to downplay a market which has 8.85% of the world’s overall social media user base and when access to it is completely free?

Do brands really need to be on Twitter?
I would say ‘yes’. Not only because of the large market, which we just discussed, but also because of reputation. Let us examine further:

  • At the bottom of most company websites nowadays their social media handles are mentioned. This indicates authenticity – a blue tick account is an evidence of trustworthiness.
  • Ease of keeping up – People will not have to always go to the official website to check for announcements and updates.
  • Timeliness – You can have conversations with your customers in real-time. This has a huge impact. Quick responses indicate that you care about your customer and are interested in solving their problems.
  • A careful trawling of conversation threads on Twitter can be equivalent to a market survey.

A company must identify, reach, hold on to and expand a market for its product to be successful. Added to this the right branding, image building, and engaging with the market are imperative. And in this battle for markets, remember, no digital PR tool is small or unimportant if used in the right way.

And if you still need guidance, then you can turn to MensenTock Communications, which has years of experience in providing 360 degree solutions in brand positioning and image building.

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